domingo, 18 de abril de 2010



Kinsey quedó con Gwen Fife cuando ésta salió de trabajar. Fueron a tomar algo, mientras que Kinsey hacía preguntas. Consiguió la dirección de Greg y Diane (los hijos que tuvieron Gwen y Laurence), por si quería hablar con ellos; y también que Gwen tuvo una aventura mientras estaba casada con Laurence y cuando éste se enteró, se divorciaron. Pero Gwen no quiso hablar mucho de su amante (ella estaba convencida de que él no mató a Laurence).

Kinsey también descubrió que Laurence tuvo una relación con Charlotte Mercer, mujer de un importante juez. Cuando terminaron de hablar, Kinsey buscó la casa de Mercer y fue a hablar con ella.

Charlotte Mercer era una mujer bajita con el pelo corto y rubio. Vivía en una casa enorme. Cuando Kinsey se presentó, Charlotte no fue muy amigable con ella; pero, a pesar de eso, hablaron un rato sobre Laurence: ellos dos estuvieron juntos en dos ocasiones. Kinsey la preguntó si conocía a Libby Glass, pero Charlotte dijo que no, aunque a quien sí conoció fue a Sharon Naiper (la secretaria), porque Laurence tuvo una aventura con su madre, y Sharon le hizo chantaje afirmando que, si no la daba el puesto de secretaria, contaría su lío con su madre.


Kinsey met Gwen when she finished her work. They went to a restaurant and drunk something while they talked about Laurence. Kinsey got the Greg and Diane’s address (the kids of Gwen and Laurence) and she discovered that Gwen had an affair with another man while she was married with Laurece (when he discovered that secret, they divorced). Kinsey asked Gwen about her lover, but she didn’t want to talk about him.

Gwen told Kinsey that Laurence had a affair with Charlotte Mercer (the wife of a very important judge). When the meeting finished, Kinsey went to Charlotte´s house.

Charlotte was a small woman with short and blonde hair. Her house was so big. She wasn’t very friendly with Kinsey, but they talked about Laurence. Charlotte had a affair with him in two times. Kinsey asked her if she knew Libby Glass but she didn’t meet her. But Charlotte knew Sharon Naiper (the secretary), because Laurence had a affair with Sharon’s mother. Sharon started to work in the law firm with Laurence, because if he didn’t give her the job, she could tell to everyone the affair with her mother.


1. When Kinsey said that she wanted to talk with Charlotte Mercer, Gwen laughed and said “If she wants to know who sent you, the please tell her!”. Why do you think that Gwen said that? Maybe Charlotte thought that Gwen didn’t know the affair that Laurence got with her. But when Kinsey said that Gwen proposed her to talk with Charlotte, it was a way to tell Charlote “I knew the affair that you had with my husband”.