Dos horas después de que Kinsey regresara a su casa, Scorsoni llamó a su puerta para pedirla perdón. Volvieron a acostarse juntos.
El policía Dolan la llamó al día siguiente, para decirle que no habían encontrado huellas de Nikki en la carta y que la caligrafía era de Laurence. Después, Kinsey llamó de nuevo a Charlotte Mercer y la preguntó cuál era el nombre de la madre de Sharon Napier. Su nombre, al igual que el de Libby, era Elizabeth. De manera que era cierto lo que Kinsey pensaba: esa carta no iba dirigida a Libby, pero alguien tuvo que ponerla en sus cosas.
Empezó a sospechar de Nikki y de Scorsoni, que eran los únicos que sabía que Kinsey fue a Las Vegas para encontrarse con Sharon. Llamó a Scorsoni para decirle que lo mejor sería que no se volvieran a ver hasta que no hubiera terminado la investigación.
Kinsey se entrevistó con Gwen, y a ésta no le quedó más remedio que admitir que, después del divorcio, volvió a tener una aventura con Laurence. Kinsey la dijo que sospechaba que ella fue la que mató a Laurence, y, finalmente, Gwen admitió que entró en la casa el fin de semana que Nikki, Colin, Greg y Laurence estuvieron de viaje, y envenenó sólo una de las capsulas de la medicina. Pero no reconoció haber matado a Libby ni a Sharon.
Two hours later, Scorsoni knocked to Kinsey’s door and said he was sorry. That night they made love again.
Dolan called Kinsey the next morning. He told her that there weren’t any Nikki’s fingerprints in the letter and it was written by Laurence because there was his handwriting. Then, Kinsey called Charlotte Mercer and asked her which was the name of Sharon Napier’s mother. It was Elizabeth (like Libby’s real name). So it was true Kinsey’s thought: the letter wasn’t for Libby, but somebody had to put it in Libby’s things.
She started to suspect about Nikki and Scorsoni, because they were the ones who knew that Kinsey went to Las Vegas to meet Sharon. Kinsey called Scorsoni to tell him that it wasn’t a good idea to continue their relation during the investigation.
Kinsey met Gwen again and she had to recognize that she had an affair with Laurence after the divorce. Kinsey said she thought that Gwen killed him. Finally, Gwen admitted that she put the poison in one of the capsules of the medicine, whilst Laurence, Nikki, Greg and Colin were out that weekend. But Gwen said that she didn’t kill Libby and Sharon.
1. Kinsey tells Scorsoni that she doesn’t want to meet him again until she has finished the investigation. Why? Because it was possible that Scorsoni was guilty and for Kinsey it could be very hard to discover that she had sex with Laurence, Libby and Sharon’s murderer.