domingo, 18 de abril de 2010



Kinsey Millhone es una detective privado que vive en Santa Teresa (California).

Nikki Fife era una mujer que estuvo en la cárcel durante 8 años; hacía una semana que salió. Fue acusada de matar a su marido Laurence Fife. Kinsey conoció a Laurence porque trabajó para él en varias ocasiones. Se creía que Nikki mató a su marido porque estuvo con muchas mujeres, pero Nikki quería contratar a Kinsey para que descubriera al verdadero asesino de su marido. El policía que investigó su caso, Lieutenant Dolan, le dio a Nikki la dirección de Kinsey para ponerse en contacto con ella.

Mataron a Laurence introduciendo el veneno de una planta en sus medicinas, y las huellas de Nikki estaban por todas partes. La policía descubrió que Nikki sabía que su marido estaba con otras mujeres, y que, si se divorciaba de él, ella tendría problemas de dinero.

Kinsey nunca creyó que Nikki fuera culpable, ni que matara a su marido por dinero (porque ella provenía de una familia rica), y, finalmente, decidió ayudarla. Fue al departamento de policía y pidió los papeles del caso. Descubrió que una mujer llamada Libby Glass murió 4 días después de Laurence, envenenada de la misma forma. Kinsey consiguió los números telefónicos de los padres y del novio (que también pensaba que su novia tenía una aventura con otro hombre) de Libby. El inspector creía que Nikki pensaba que su marido estaba con Libby y que los mató a los dos, pero no hubo pruebas suficientes en el caso de Libby.

Cuando Kinsey le preguntó a Nikki si conoció a Libby, ésta la dijo que no. Ella nunca había encontrado pruebas a cerca de las amantes de su marido, pero que podría preguntar a Charlie Scorsoni, compañero de trabajo de Laurence (ambos tuvieron un bufete de abogados). Nikki también la sugirió que hablara con la ex mujer de Laurence (Gwen Fife) y con su secretaria (Sharon Napier).


Kinsey Millhone was a private detective who lived in Santa Teresa (California).

Nikki Fife was a woman that she was into a jail because she killed her husband, Laurence Fife. Police thought Nikki wanted to divorce because he had affairs whit other women, but she knew that she would have problems with money, so she decided to kill him.

After Nikki leaved the jail, she went to visit Lieutenant Dolan (the inspector who leaded the case of the Fife´s murder), because she want to demonstrate that she wasn’t guilty. Dolan gave her the address of Kinsey, because she was a good professional and she could help her.

Kinsey accepted the work, and she when to the police department to read the papers of the case. She found that another woman was killed by the same way than Laurence (with poison in the medicine); her name was Libby Glass. It was very probbable that Laurence and Libby knew each other, because, in the law firm of him the police found the keys of Libby’s house.

Lieutenant Dolan didn’t give Nikki the address of Kinsey because he thought she was innocent; He did it because he thought Nikki killed Libby too. When Kinsey returned and talked with Nikki. Nikki said she didn’t know Libby and she never found evidences about her husband affairs. She suggested Kinsey to speak with Charlie Scorsoni (Laurence’s workmate), Gwen Fife (Laurence’s first wife) and Sharon Napier (Laurence’s secretary).


1. Who is Nikki Fife and how old is she at the beginning of this story? Nikki Fife was a woman that people thought that she killed her husband. She was twenty-seven or twenty-eight when she came into the jail. When she came out of there, she went to Kinsey Millhone’s office because she wanted to recruit her to demonstrate that she didn’t kill her husband and she was innocent.

2. Dolan’s doubts have to do with something other than Laurence Fife’s death. What? Maybe the doubts of Dolan were that it could be a little bit difficult that Nikki killed Libby Glass too, because Nikki said that she didn’t know her. // What is his real reason of sending Nikki to Kinsey? Lieutenant Dolan wanted Kinsey to start a new investigation, because he thought that Nikki killed Libby Glass too, but he couldn’t find enough evidences.




Kinsey fue a visitar a Charlie Scorsoni, el compañero de trabajo de Laurence. Ellos dos se conocieron en la universidad, pero luego tomaron caminos diferentes. Unos años después se volvieron a encontrar y abrieron juntos un bufete de abogados. Hablaron sobre la ex mujer de Laurence y de su antigua secretaria, Sharon Napier. Cuando Kinsey le preguntó si conocía a Libby Glass, éste dijo que no.

Después de visitar a Scorsoni, fue a la casa de Gwen Fife (la ex mujer). Su trabajo era lavar y peinar perros. Kinsey la entrevistó mientras ella trabajaba. La señora Fife la contó que Laurence fue un hombre difícil, con ella y con sus hijos. Mucha gente decía que estaba mejor muerto. También hablaron sobre sus hijos: Greg (que trabajaba en un barco) y Diane (que estudiaba el lenguaje de los signos). Colin era el hijo que tuvo Laurence con Nikki, era sordo y por ese se creía que fue la inspiración de Diane para estudiar.

La señora Fife ya no tenía más tiempo, pero Kinsey y ella quedaron después del trabajo para seguir hablando.


Kinsey visited to Charlie Scorsoni, Laurence’s workmate. They knew each other in the college, but then they took different ways. A few years later, they med again and they started with the law firm. Kinsey and he talked about Laurence’s first wife (Gwen Fife) and Sharon Napier (Laurence’s secretary). When Kinsey asked him if he knew Libby Glass, Scorsoni thought for a moment and finally said no.

After this, Kinsey went to visit to Gwen Fife. She was a tall woman and her hair was brown. She worked with dogs (she wash them). Gwen said that Laurence he was a difficult man with her and their kinds. People said that it’s better that he was dead. They also talked about the kids: Greg (he worked in a boat) and Diane (she wanted to teach deaf children). Colin was the son that Nikki had with Laurence; he was deaf.

Gwen didn’t have more time, but Kinsey could wait her after her work.


1. How long have Charlie Scorsoni and John Powers been law partners? The secretary of Scorsoni, Ruth, told Kinsey that Charlie Scorsoni and John Powers were law partners since 7 years ago.

2. Kinsey asked Gwen which people were happy about Laurence’s death. “If you have an hour, I’ll give you a list”, Gwen said. What does Gwen mean? Gwen Fife said that Laurence wasn’t a good husband and father. Probably, everyone knew that he was difficult man, and the best thing could be that he was dead.




Cuando salió del trabajo de Gwen Fife, Kinsey llamó a Nikki y la pidió ver la casa donde ella vivió con Laurence. Era una casa grande, situada en un barrio rico. Hablaron sobre quién tenía llaves de esa casa y cómo consiguió Nikki la casa donde vivía ahora, cerca de la playa (la madre de Laurence se la dejó en herencia a ella, en vez de a su hijo, porque se llevaban mal).

Cuando salieron de la casa, de camino a su apartamento, Kinsey se encontró con Charlie Scorsoni (Kinsey se alegró más de lo normal al verle). Fueron al piso de ella, y bebieron algo mientras hablaban. Charlie fue sincero y la contó que el día anterior, había ocultado información: en realidad él sí llegó a conocer a Libby Glass. Laurence nunca le dijo nada, pero Charlie pensaba que tenía una aventura con ella. Kinsey pensó que tal vez Libby cogiera una píldora de la medicina envenenada de Laurence (él era alérgico), y al tomarla, ella murió también.

Al terminar la entrevista, Scorsoni se fue, y Kinsey se preparó para su cita con la señora Gwen Fife de nuevo.


When Kinsey left Gwen Fife in her work, Kinsey called Nikki because she wanted to see the house where Nikki and Laurence lived. The house was a big one in a very rich part of the town. They talked about who had the keys of his house and how Nikki got the house where she lived in that moment, near the beach Libby Glass (Laurence’s mother gave her the house when she died, in spite of her son, because they weren’t friendly).

Kinsey came across with Charlie Scorsoni, and she invited him to drink something in her house (she was really happy to meet him again). Scorsoni told her that he wans’t honest with her in the last interview, because he knew Libby Glass before that she died. Laurence never said anything about her to him, but Scorsoni always thought that Laurence had a affair with Libby. Kinsey thought that Libby could take a capsule of the poisoned medicine of Laurence, and, when she ate it, she died.

When they finished their interview, Kinsey went to meet Gwen Fife again.


1. Nikki and Kinsey visit the Montebello house. “Who had keys to this house?”, Kinsey asked. Why do you think that she asks this questions? Because if someone had the keys of the house, he/she could entered and put the poison in the capsules of Laurence’s medicine.

2. “Laurence discovered that Gwen was having an affair herself. He had his affair with me to prove that he didn’t care about her affair”, Nikki tells Kinsey. Did Nikki believe that Laurence didn’t care about Gwen’s affair? No, Nikki didn’t think that Laurence didn’t care about Gwen’s affair, because Nikki told Kinsey that Laurence took the kids and the money from Gwen to punish her.




Kinsey quedó con Gwen Fife cuando ésta salió de trabajar. Fueron a tomar algo, mientras que Kinsey hacía preguntas. Consiguió la dirección de Greg y Diane (los hijos que tuvieron Gwen y Laurence), por si quería hablar con ellos; y también que Gwen tuvo una aventura mientras estaba casada con Laurence y cuando éste se enteró, se divorciaron. Pero Gwen no quiso hablar mucho de su amante (ella estaba convencida de que él no mató a Laurence).

Kinsey también descubrió que Laurence tuvo una relación con Charlotte Mercer, mujer de un importante juez. Cuando terminaron de hablar, Kinsey buscó la casa de Mercer y fue a hablar con ella.

Charlotte Mercer era una mujer bajita con el pelo corto y rubio. Vivía en una casa enorme. Cuando Kinsey se presentó, Charlotte no fue muy amigable con ella; pero, a pesar de eso, hablaron un rato sobre Laurence: ellos dos estuvieron juntos en dos ocasiones. Kinsey la preguntó si conocía a Libby Glass, pero Charlotte dijo que no, aunque a quien sí conoció fue a Sharon Naiper (la secretaria), porque Laurence tuvo una aventura con su madre, y Sharon le hizo chantaje afirmando que, si no la daba el puesto de secretaria, contaría su lío con su madre.


Kinsey met Gwen when she finished her work. They went to a restaurant and drunk something while they talked about Laurence. Kinsey got the Greg and Diane’s address (the kids of Gwen and Laurence) and she discovered that Gwen had an affair with another man while she was married with Laurece (when he discovered that secret, they divorced). Kinsey asked Gwen about her lover, but she didn’t want to talk about him.

Gwen told Kinsey that Laurence had a affair with Charlotte Mercer (the wife of a very important judge). When the meeting finished, Kinsey went to Charlotte´s house.

Charlotte was a small woman with short and blonde hair. Her house was so big. She wasn’t very friendly with Kinsey, but they talked about Laurence. Charlotte had a affair with him in two times. Kinsey asked her if she knew Libby Glass but she didn’t meet her. But Charlotte knew Sharon Naiper (the secretary), because Laurence had a affair with Sharon’s mother. Sharon started to work in the law firm with Laurence, because if he didn’t give her the job, she could tell to everyone the affair with her mother.


1. When Kinsey said that she wanted to talk with Charlotte Mercer, Gwen laughed and said “If she wants to know who sent you, the please tell her!”. Why do you think that Gwen said that? Maybe Charlotte thought that Gwen didn’t know the affair that Laurence got with her. But when Kinsey said that Gwen proposed her to talk with Charlotte, it was a way to tell Charlote “I knew the affair that you had with my husband”.




Kinsey empezó a buscar el paradero de Sharon Naiper, hasta que descubrió que estaba en Las Vegas. Llamó a un conocido que también vivía allí, para saber si podía dar con ella, antes de que Kinsey tuviera que viajas hasta Las Vegas.

También buscó dónde podía encontrar a Lyle Abernathy, el novio de Libby Glass. Pero en lugar de eso, encontró a los padres de Libby, Grace y Raymong Glass.

Kinsey viajó hasta Los Angeles, y se hospedó en el motel donde siempre solía ir. Visitó a los señores Glass una mañana. Vivían en San Fernando, en un pequeño apartamento. Kinsey sólo habló con Grace (Raymond era un hombre mayor que estaba en silla de ruedas y no podía hablar después de un accidente de coche que tuvo). La señora Glass le enseñó una foto de Libby (su nombre original era Elizabeth): era rubia y con el pelo corto, sus ojos eran azules y tenía una sonrisa grande.

Hablaron de la relación que tuvo Libby con Lyle: ella nunca quiso vivir con él en el mismo apartamento. Grace Glass decía que hubiera sido bueno para su relación, pero Raymond Glass opinaba que tal vez Libby encontró a un hombre mejor.

La señora Glass dijo que no sabía que su hija podía haber tenido relaciones con otros hombres, y lo único que quería saber era quién mató a su hija. Kinsey la contó que su muerte pudo ser un accidente, tal vez por tomar alguna pastilla de la alergia envenenada de Laurence, pero la señora Glass afirmó que Libby no era alérgica.

Kinsey descubrió que la familia Glass seguía teniendo contacto con el Lyle (iba a comer casi a diario a casa de Grace y Raymond). La señora Glass invitó a comer a Kinsey, para que pudiera hablar con Lyle sobre Libby.


Kinsey started to search where she could find Sharon Naiper, and she discovered that Sharon was in Las Vegas. Kinsey called a friend of her that he lived in Las Vegas too, and she asked him if he could find Sharon there.

She tried to find Lyle Abernathy, Libby Glass’ boyfriend, but she found Libby’s parents: Grace and Raymond Glass.

Kinsey travelled to Los Angeles, and went to the same motel where she used to go. One day, she visited family Glass. They lived in San Fernando, in a small apartment building. Kinsey talked only with Grage Glass (Raymond was a old man, he needed a wheelchair and he couldn’t speak, because he had a traffic accident). Mrs Glass showed a picture os Libby (that her real name was Elizabeth): she had blond and short hair, blue eyes and a big smile.

They were talking about the relationship between Libby and Lyle: Libby never wanted to live with Lyle in the same apartment. Grace Glass thought that it could be good for their relationship, but Raymond Glass thought that maybe Libby found a better man.

Mrs Glass didn’t know that Libby could have affairs with others men and she wanted to know who killed her daughter. Kinsey told her that maybe her death was an accident: she could take a poisoned capsule for the allergy of Laurence by mistake; but Mrs Glass said that Libby wasn’t allergic.

Kinsey discovered that family Glass usually met Lyle (he used to eat with them). Mrs Glass invited Kinsey to eat so she could meet Lyle and talk about Libby.


1. Why does Grace Glass put headphones over her husband’s ears when Kinsey starts asking questions about Libby? Raymond Glass was an old man and he was ill: he couldn’t speak and he needed wheelchair. Maybe Grace Glass thought that it was better Raymond didn’t listen anything about their conversation about Libby.




Kynsey se quedó a comer en casa de la familia Glass, para conocer a Lyle Abernathy, pero cuando éste apareció, no fue muy amigable con ella. Durante la comida no hablaron casi de nada.

Kinsey se despidió de la Grace Glass y la dijo que al día siguiente tenía que ir a Los Angeles, pero que antes de volver a Santa Teresa, se volvería a pasar por allí, para ver las cosas de Libby; la señora Glass la dijo que no habría problema, pero a Lyle no le sentó bien.

Esperó en su coche hasta que Lyle salió de la casa también. Le siguió hasta que aparcaron los coches y hablaron un momento. Lyle sabía que Libby cortó con él porque conoció a otro hombre, pero no sabía nada sobre Laurence. Cuando Kinsey le preguntó quién pudo matar a Libby, él mismo contestó que tal vez ella estaba tan enamorada de Laurence, que no pudo soportar su muerte y se suicidó.

La última vez que Lyle vio a Libby fue el mismo día en que ella se enteró de que Laurence había muerto. Unos días después, el casero de Libby entró en el apartamento y se la encontró muerta en el suelo del baño.

Kinsey pensaba que Lyle aún la ocultaba cosas, de manera que le dio el número de teléfono del motel y tenía la intención de volverle a ver cuando volviera a visitar a la familia Glass.


Kinsey stayed at Glass’ house because she wanted to meet Lyle Abernathy, but when he appeared, he wasn’t very friendly with her. At the lunch, they didn’t say anything. Kinsey said goodbye to Grace Glass and told her that she had to go to Los Angeles, but before she returned to Santa Teresa she wanted to visit their again and see Libby’s things. Mrs Glass said that it could be possible, but Lyle got angry with that idea.

Kinsey followed Lyle when he got out of the house. They talked a few minutes. Lyle knew that Libby broke up with him because she met another man, but he didn’t know that the man was Laurence. When Kinsey asked him who could kill Libby, Lyle answered that maybe she was very fell in love with Laurence and she couldn’t bear his death, for that reason she could kill herself.

The last time that Lyle saw Libby was in the same day that Libby found out Laurence’s death. A few days after that, the manager of the apartment met Libby dead on the floor of the bathroom.

Kinsey thought Lyle could hide the truth, so she gave him the phone number of the motel and she had the idea to meet him again when she returned to family Glass’ house.


1. Kinsey asks Lyle some questions. His answer to one of the questions could help Kinsey’s investigation into Libby’s death. But Kinsey doesn’t understand the importance of Lyle’s answer. Which of Lyle’s do you think that is? Kinsey never thought in the possibility of the suicide. She was always asking to everyone who could kill Libby and if she was allergic, but it could possible that she fell in love so much with Laurence and killed herself when he dead.




Al día siguiente de hablar con la familia Glass, fue a la compañía donde trabajó Libby. Kinsey esperaba hablar con un tal Garry Steinberg, el único que podría decirle algo sobre Libby, pero en ese momento no se encontraba en la oficina. Kinsey dejó su número de teléfono para que se pusieran en contacto cuando él volviera.

Kinsey recibió una llamada de su amigo que vivía en Las Vegas; la dijo que ya había encontrado la dirección de Sharon Napier y el casino donde ella trabajaba. Kinsey inició el largo viaje desde Los Angeles hasta Las Vegas; una vez allí, se hospedó en un motel (llamado Bagdad).

Empezó a sentirse mal; tenía la sensación de que caería enferma dentro de poco, pero aún así, fue a visitar a Sharon a su casa. Como allí no había nadie, fue al Fermont Casino, donde ella trabajaba. Y allí estaba, en una mesa se juego repartiendo cartas. Sharon era alta y rubia.

Kinsey la siguió cuando Sharon fue sustituida por una compañera, y se fue al bar para tomar algo. Kinsey se presentó, pero Sharon no fue muy amigable; lo único que dijo es que se alegró de que Laurence estuviera muerto. Pero cuando Kinsey le dijo que estaba trabajando para Nikki, Sharon la propuso verse en su apartamento cuando ella terminara de trabajar; Kinsey la dio su número de teléfono.

Regresó al motel y durmió durante toda la tarde, porque se encontraba muy mal. El teléfono la despertó; era Sharon: hacía una hora que habían quedado y Kinsey se había quedado dormida. A través del teléfono Kinsey escuchó como alguien llamaba a la puerta de Sharon, y los gritos de ésta cuando ese alguien entró dentro de la casa.

Kinsey cogió el coche y condujo lo más rápido que pudo para ir a la casa. Cuando llegó, se encontró la puerta abierta y todo estaba oscuro. Sharon estaba en el suelo y muerta. Antes de llamar a la policía, Kinsey cogió el papel donde le dio su número de teléfono (no quería que la policía la relacionaran con aquel asesinato).


Kinsey went to the company where Libby worked. She needed to talk with Garry Steinberg, the only person who could say something about Libby in her work, but he wasn’t there in that moment. She left her telephone number, because she wanted to talk with him when he returned.

Kinsey’s friend called and told her where lived and worked Sharon Napier. Kinsey drove too many hours from Los Angeles to Las Vegas. She slept in an another motel, called Bagdad. She didn’t feel well, and she thought that she could become ill soon. In spite of that, Kinsey went to Sharon’s house, but there nobody. Then, she went to Fermont Casino, the place where Sharon worked. She would deal the cards.

Sharon was replaced by workmate. Kinsey followed her into the bar. Sharon wasn’t very friendly, and she told that she was very happy because of Laurence’s death. When Kinsey said that she was working for Nikki, Sharon proposed her to see each other after her work finished; Kinsey gave Sharon her telephone number.

Kinsey returned to the motel and slept all the afternoon, because she felt very ill. The sound of the telephone woke up her; it was Sharon: Kinsey was very late. Kinsey could hear that somebody knocked Sharon’s door and how she screamed when that person came into de house.

Kinsey went fast to her house. The door was open and it was completely dark. Sharon was lying on the floor and she was dead. Before she called to the police, Kinsey took the piece of paper where was her telephone number (she wouldn’t want to be related to the murder).


1. “The girl is not trying to be helpful”, Kinsey thinks when she talks to the receptionist at Haycraft and McNiece. Why does she think this? Because the receptionist saw Kinsey without interest and she responded shorts answers, so Kinsey had to asked her more questions. Kinsey needed somebody who could tell her something interesting about Libby, but the receptionist didn’t search somebody who could help her.

2. Why does Kinsey take the cigarette packet from Sharon Naiper’s pocket? Because she wanted to take de piece of paper where was her telephone number; she wouldn’t want to be related to the murder.