domingo, 18 de abril de 2010



Kinsey Millhone es una detective privado que vive en Santa Teresa (California).

Nikki Fife era una mujer que estuvo en la cárcel durante 8 años; hacía una semana que salió. Fue acusada de matar a su marido Laurence Fife. Kinsey conoció a Laurence porque trabajó para él en varias ocasiones. Se creía que Nikki mató a su marido porque estuvo con muchas mujeres, pero Nikki quería contratar a Kinsey para que descubriera al verdadero asesino de su marido. El policía que investigó su caso, Lieutenant Dolan, le dio a Nikki la dirección de Kinsey para ponerse en contacto con ella.

Mataron a Laurence introduciendo el veneno de una planta en sus medicinas, y las huellas de Nikki estaban por todas partes. La policía descubrió que Nikki sabía que su marido estaba con otras mujeres, y que, si se divorciaba de él, ella tendría problemas de dinero.

Kinsey nunca creyó que Nikki fuera culpable, ni que matara a su marido por dinero (porque ella provenía de una familia rica), y, finalmente, decidió ayudarla. Fue al departamento de policía y pidió los papeles del caso. Descubrió que una mujer llamada Libby Glass murió 4 días después de Laurence, envenenada de la misma forma. Kinsey consiguió los números telefónicos de los padres y del novio (que también pensaba que su novia tenía una aventura con otro hombre) de Libby. El inspector creía que Nikki pensaba que su marido estaba con Libby y que los mató a los dos, pero no hubo pruebas suficientes en el caso de Libby.

Cuando Kinsey le preguntó a Nikki si conoció a Libby, ésta la dijo que no. Ella nunca había encontrado pruebas a cerca de las amantes de su marido, pero que podría preguntar a Charlie Scorsoni, compañero de trabajo de Laurence (ambos tuvieron un bufete de abogados). Nikki también la sugirió que hablara con la ex mujer de Laurence (Gwen Fife) y con su secretaria (Sharon Napier).


Kinsey Millhone was a private detective who lived in Santa Teresa (California).

Nikki Fife was a woman that she was into a jail because she killed her husband, Laurence Fife. Police thought Nikki wanted to divorce because he had affairs whit other women, but she knew that she would have problems with money, so she decided to kill him.

After Nikki leaved the jail, she went to visit Lieutenant Dolan (the inspector who leaded the case of the Fife´s murder), because she want to demonstrate that she wasn’t guilty. Dolan gave her the address of Kinsey, because she was a good professional and she could help her.

Kinsey accepted the work, and she when to the police department to read the papers of the case. She found that another woman was killed by the same way than Laurence (with poison in the medicine); her name was Libby Glass. It was very probbable that Laurence and Libby knew each other, because, in the law firm of him the police found the keys of Libby’s house.

Lieutenant Dolan didn’t give Nikki the address of Kinsey because he thought she was innocent; He did it because he thought Nikki killed Libby too. When Kinsey returned and talked with Nikki. Nikki said she didn’t know Libby and she never found evidences about her husband affairs. She suggested Kinsey to speak with Charlie Scorsoni (Laurence’s workmate), Gwen Fife (Laurence’s first wife) and Sharon Napier (Laurence’s secretary).


1. Who is Nikki Fife and how old is she at the beginning of this story? Nikki Fife was a woman that people thought that she killed her husband. She was twenty-seven or twenty-eight when she came into the jail. When she came out of there, she went to Kinsey Millhone’s office because she wanted to recruit her to demonstrate that she didn’t kill her husband and she was innocent.

2. Dolan’s doubts have to do with something other than Laurence Fife’s death. What? Maybe the doubts of Dolan were that it could be a little bit difficult that Nikki killed Libby Glass too, because Nikki said that she didn’t know her. // What is his real reason of sending Nikki to Kinsey? Lieutenant Dolan wanted Kinsey to start a new investigation, because he thought that Nikki killed Libby Glass too, but he couldn’t find enough evidences.